Being Generous
Being Generous
Every morning during assembly, we have a reading session. Everybody brings a book and sits in the school hall to read for fifteen minutes. I love reading sessions because I am a very avid reader. Although I enjoy reading all genres of stories, my favourite is humour.
One morning, I was reading a new story book when I saw my form teacher, Mrs Tan, walk over to Linda, my classmate. She had forgotten to bring a book for assembly. Mrs Tan scolded Linda loudly.
As a punishment, Linda was made to stand while everyone else continued reading. Linda looked very ashamed. She stood quietly, looking down. I looked at Linda in pity and suddenly remembered that I had another book in my bag!
I raised my hand and Mrs Tan walked over and asked me it I had a question. I told Mrs Tan that I had an extra book in my bag and asked if I could lend it to Linda. Mrs Tan agreed and praised me for my generosity.
I passed the book to Linda who smiled at me gratefully. After that day, Linda and I got to know each other better. We even became best friends! In fact, Linda became a very keen reader herself! She now has a strong thirst for knowledge and reads all genres of books.
After this incident, I learnt that I should be generous in all circumstances, helping anyone.
The End
Written on 15 August 2022
Hope everyone enjoyed this story! Do remember to comment and give me some feedback (if any) so that I can improve this story!😀